Nov 24, 2020 | Creative, Events, News, science, Science Communication, Science in Society, Serious Games
Our game “Battle for Cattle” will be featured at the European Researchers’ Night (ERN). The ERN takes place across Europe once a year and invites public to get a taste of everyday life of research institutions. This year the event will be held...
May 15, 2020 | Creative, Events, News, science, Science Communication, Science in Society, Serious Games
We’re showcasing our latest game “Battle for Cattle” at GameDays 2020, an international conference on serious games! The event, organised by TU Darmstadt, will be held online on 18 May 2020 and it has a full program with a workshop, a panel...
Mar 25, 2020 | Uncategorized
Vienna, 25th March 2020 Scientists from the five year EU funded project MycoSynVac report their findings and successes at a final meeting in Brussels. The project drew on cutting edge biotechnology to explore three important GOALS: TRANSFORM a living bacteria...
Feb 21, 2020 | News, Publications, science, Science Communication, Synthetic Biology
There are great news about the EU project eForFuel, which works towards replacing fossil fuel by recycling CO2:Scientists from the Max Planck Institute (Germany) have reached a significant breakthrough presented in their recent Nature Chemical Biology publication....
Dec 16, 2019 | Creative, Events, News, science, Science Communication, Science in Society, Serious Games
Another exciting event for our science game! Together with our Viennese partner Wissens°raum from the Austrian Science Center Netzwerk, we organized an event for Battle for Cattle on Saturday, 14.12.2019. Wissens°raum is an amazing space for trying, tinkering and...